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visions from poison ivy

Orange Tryptamine
(Based on the First Vision)
Flashing before my eyes
A Mandala
Of Extraordinary Vibrance
Oranges Blues Reds & Yellows
formed wavey wirey lines of energy
My Identity dissolved as my soul began flying into the Center of the Mandala
Entropy Serpent
A Serpent made of Darkness
Emerged from the void and
Swallowed Existence Whole
The serpents body weaved to fill space completely and within its body was every moment of the universe, all of time.
(Black represents the serpents body)
Cymatic Temple
Geometric Intelligence shapes every interaction in the Universe.
Complex patterns are formed
Through the Interplay of vibrations.
(Space Elves Communicating)
All is ONE
Radiation propagates spherically,
as scaling concentric geodesics.
(Decagonal Quasicrystal shadow cast from a Stellated Dodecahedral Fractal)

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